Chamber for Economic and Cultural Cooperation between Romania and Russia

Challenge “Steps on VKontakte” at the Eurasian Women’s Forum


Challenge “Steps on VKontakte” at the Eurasian Women’s Forum



The Eurasian Women’s Forum is the largest authoritative international platform for dialogue among women leaders from all continents and for developing joint solutions to current issues.

Participants of the Forum include women parliamentarians, representatives of executive bodies, international organizations, business circles, the scientific community, public organizations, and charitable projects, as well as prominent figures of the international women’s movement from many countries around the world.

The organizers of the Forum are the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The operator of the Forum is the Roscongress Foundation.

The Eurasian Women’s Forum Council and the VKontakte team have launched an action - the challenge “48 billion steps in support of women leaders.”

The large-scale challenge can be found on the “Steps on VKontakte” service. The idea is to inspire each other not to be afraid to pursue our goals. To do this, we need to take 48 billion steps together. The service sums up the steps of the participants and allows tracking the progress towards the set collective goal.

In the first hours after the launch, 27 thousand users joined, and participants took 348 million steps.

The “Steps on VKontakte” challenge will run until August 17, and you can join at any time by following this link  (

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