Chamber for Economic and Cultural Cooperation between Romania and Russia

The film "Challenge"... banned from viewing..why?


The film "Challenge"... banned from viewing..why?

''Romanian-Russian Chamber of Economic and Cultural Cooperation Association, Association of Militants for Peace, Equality and Social Progress "Spânteia", Association of Romanian-Russian Friendship, Democratic Association of Russian Ethnicities (ADER), "Union of Subcarpathian Rutans of Romania (U.R.S.R.)", Eurasia Association (AEA), Russian Motorcyclist Club RMI, Artistic Group of Russian Nationalities, Council of Coordination torl of the Russian Conationals from Romania and most of those with Russian nationality express in solidarity their deep concern and disapproval over the recent decision of the Ministry of Culture in Romania to cancel the contract for broadcasting two films, an action that was justified by their association with Russian propaganda, in the current geopolitical context. It is important to note that this decision reflects an alarming tendency to mix culture in political and geopolitical matters, contrary to the fundamental principles of cultural dialogue and mutual understanding.
We call on Minister Raluca Turcan to reconsider this decision, considering that literature and cinema, as art forms, should be objectively evaluated and appreciated for their cultural and artistic value, regardless of their geographical or political origin. We also encourage reading international unbiased reviews of these films to gain a balanced perspective on their message and artistic value.
In light of this situation, we would like to highlight the importance of respecting cultural autonomy and free expression, as many prestigious political and intellectual leaders at the European and American level have emphasized. They have consistently advocated for the need to keep culture and arts free from geopolitical influences and tensions, stressing that these areas represent a universal link between peoples and nations, capable of crossing political barriers and promoting mutual understanding.
We consider that the decision to terminate the contract for two Russian films in public cinemas is a violation of diplomatic ethics and an unjustified mixing of culture in political issues.
Furthermore, we would like to emphasize that this action affects the rights of the Russian minority in Romania, guaranteed by national and international laws. Russian culture, like any other culture, deserves to be represented and appreciated, without being censored based on the current political context.
In support of our position, we present statements by European and American politicians who support the separation of culture from political and geopolitical issues:
1. Culture has to be a bridge that unites people, not a wall that separates them based on politics. " - [European Politician]
2. “Art knows no borders and should not be limited by the political disputes of the moment.” " - [American politician"
3. Freedom of cultural expression is a fundamental right that must be protected, regardless of political tensions. " - [European Politician]
4. "Culture is essential for mutual understanding and should remain neutral in the face of conflicts." " - [European Politician]
5. Promoting intercultural dialogue is crucial for peace and should not be hindered by political agenda. " - [European Politician]
6. Art and culture transcend politics and serve as universal means of communication. " - [American Politician]
7. "In times of crisis, people need culture to find comfort, inspiration and hope. - **Ernesto Ottone**, Deputy Director General for Culture at UNESCO15.
8. Culture can become a criteria for mental health, it can be a shelter from the pain caused by war, or it can become a way to express the inexpressible. - **Martina Montagu**, cultural commentator16
9. "A painting can't stop a bullet, but it can stop the hand that pulls. " - **Sebastian Kerber**, artist and activist16.
10. Culture is essential for preventing crises and for building a resilient society. " - **Chris Ansell**, professor of public policy14.
11. "Culture plays a crucial role in keeping us united and connected, shortening the distance between us, even when we are physically separated." - **Paul 't Hart**, political leadership expert14
12. Culture is a common good for resilient societies and plays a vital role in difficult times. " - **Arjen Boin**, crisis management specialist14.
"In times of crisis, political leaders must recognize and utilize the role of culture in strengthening hope and unity. " - **Ernesto Ottone**, UNESCO15.
These statements highlight the global perspective on the vital role that culture plays in sustaining the human spirit and fostering resilience in the face of adversity.
We call on all involved actors to approach this situation with maturity and respect for cultural diversity and the rights of minorities. Culture should not be victimized by politics and hopefully open dialogue and mutual respect will prevail in the end.
In conclusion, we reiterate our call to the Ministry of Culture and all relevant actors to adopt a more balanced and open approach to evaluating and promoting cultural and artistic productions. Culture should never be a victim of political disputes or prejudices, but rather serve as a bridge for dialogue, understanding, and cooperation between nations. ‘’

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