Chamber for Economic and Cultural Cooperation between Romania and Russia
The CCECRR always wants to be with its members. For this reason, he chose three types of contribution so that all the wishers could be part of our team. Contributions have been designed in such a way that CCECRR members can make the most of the services offered. The contributions are both for companies with a small volume of activity and for companies with a larger volume of activity. Of course it is the fact that the higher the contribution, the greater the benefits and gratuities.


Chamber for Economic and Cultural Cooperation between Romania and Russia


Chamber for Economic and Cultural Cooperation between Romania and Russia


Chamber for Economic and Cultural Cooperation between Romania and Russia

Totul despre business

Relatiile economice romano-ruse pot fi reinnodate doar prin vointa reciproca. În perioada 2017-2018 CCECRR a avut identificate contracte de peste 2 mld. dolari, iar indicii economici ne arată o creștere cu peste 20% a schimbului bilateral româno-rus.

CCECRR reprezentanta AFB CEA

Începând cu data de 5 martie 2016 Președintele CCECRR Tudor Afanasov a devenit Vicepreședintele Asociatiei Financiar Bancare pentru Cooperare Euroasiatica. Scopul Asociatiei este de a aseza laolalta membrii Shanhai Cooperation si diverse structuri financiar Bancare din Europa si Asia. Platforma AFB CEA ofera posibilitatea accesarii de finantari si identificarii de parteneri de afaceri.

CCECRR Partenera a Consiliului de Export Rus

Începând cu anul 2019 CCECRR a devenit partenera a Consiliului de Export Rus. Scopul principal al parteneriatul este acela de a facilita si sprijina relatiile directe dintre reprezentantii mediului de Afaceri din Romania si Rusia. Pana in acest moment contractele identificate de CCECRR pentru diverse companii au depasit 2 mld. de dolari.

About Romania

Romania is a state located in the south-east of Central Europe, on the lower Danube, north of the Balkan Peninsula and on the north-west coast of the Black Sea.

About Russia

Russia is a country that extends over the vast territory of Europe and Asia. Russia is the largest country in the world, almost twice as large as Canada.

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