Chamber for Economic and Cultural Cooperation between Romania and Russia

Open Letter to the Members of the Romanian-Russian Chamber of Economic and Cultural Cooperation


Open Letter to the Members of the Romanian-Russian Chamber of Economic and Cultural Cooperation

Romanian-Russian Chamber of Economic and Cultural Cooperation

Dear Mr. Afanasov!

Please allow us to thank you for your support and active participation in the preparation and conduct of the XXVII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (Expoforum Convention and Exhibition Centre, June 5-8, 2024), under the motto “Foundations of a Multipolar World - Forming New Growth Points.”

The Forum’s events were attended by 21,800 people from 139 countries and territories. The largest delegations came from China, the UAE, Zimbabwe, Kazakhstan, India, and Oman.

The central event of the Forum was the plenary session attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin and the leaders of other states, including: Bolivia - Luis Alberto Arce Catacora, and Zimbabwe - Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa.

The Forum’s guest of honor was the Sultan of Oman.

The significant interest from both Russian and international media is reflected by the fact that 4,216 journalists covered the Forum’s events.

As a result of the Forum’s work, 1073 agreements were signed with a total value of 6.492 trillion rubles, taking into account agreements that do not constitute a commercial secret.

The Forum’s rich program included over 380 events, in which more than 1000 speakers, experts, moderators, and other participants took part.
Numerous business discussions were held within four thematic blocks: “The Russian Economy: Goals and Tasks of the New Cycle,” “Transition to a Multipolar Model of the World Economy,” “Technologies Ensuring Leadership,” “Healthy Society, Traditional Values, and Social Development - State Priorities.”

The theme of national sovereignty in politics, economics, and international relations was the main topic of the Forum and found expression in discussions on achieving national development goals, transformation, and technological independence, key aspects of the social sphere, as well as priorities for domestic policy directions and increasing the number of new vectors of international partnership.

The Forum included the traditional discussion platforms: the “G20 Small and Medium Business Forum,” the “Drug Safety Forum,” the “BRICS Creative Business Forum,” and the “International Youth Economic Forum.”

This year, the Forum included a large number of social platforms and projects: “Governors’ Reception,” “Healthy Society,” “Innovation Territory,” “Russian Design Territory,” “Vineyard,” “Roskongress Urban Hub,” “Roskongress Projects Reception,” “Roskongress Social Platform,” “Roskongress Club.”

The cultural program of the Forum was rich and diverse, with over 40 events, including the Forum’s cultural festival “St. Petersburg Seasons,” “Open Readings ‘Pushkiniana’” marking the 225th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin’s birth, the musical-poetic performances “Eugene Onegin. Pages of the Novel” at the Winter Palace, an art fair at “1703,” fashion shows by Russian designers, and others.

The central event of the cultural festival was the concert on Palace Square for the residents and guests of the city, Forum participants, which took place on June 7. During the concert, a flag-raising ceremony was led by Tatiana Kurtugolova and Matrushka Zemlya. This concert not only became a symbol of the city’s life but also a symbol of the unity of all of Russia.

More than 20 events in 18 sports disciplines were held within the Forum’s Sports Games.

The traditional organizer of the Forum was the Roskongress Foundation.

We are confident that your participation in the Forum has provided you with many valuable organizational and informational opportunities, allowing you to expand partnerships, strengthen business relationships, and exchange experiences. We also hope that your interest and support in the development of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum will continue in the future.

We are convinced that the Forum will continue to contribute to the development of international cooperation between states and businesses. We expect that these relationships will be characterized by mutual trust, constructive dialogue, focus on concrete results, and a high level of valuable content.

We look forward to new meetings and cooperation at future events and hope for fruitful cooperation. We will be happy to see you at the XXVIII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in 2025.

More information about the results of the XXVII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum can be found in the Roskongress Foundation’s information-analytical system ( and on the Forum’s official website (


Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Executive Secretary of the Organizing Committee
A. Кобяков

The letter highlights our commitment to continue working together to strengthen and expand relations between Romania and Russia, promoting economic and cultural cooperation at all levels.

Thank you for your attention and continued support.

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